Thermal Analysis
Too Hot To Handle?

Finding thermal issues at the qualification stage severely compromises the product delivery dates. Potential thermal problems should be identified early in the design cycle starting at the component placement stage so that you can determine the scale of the issue and what corrective action to take; perhaps improving the thermal path to a cold wall or the addition of a heatsink. The next step is to be certain that the board will not cause any other thermal problems when placed with the complete unit. If there are thermal problems that need to be resolved a solution needs to be found early on in the design cycle. But how can this be accomplished?

There are a number of thermal packages on the market at the moment but they are all quite expensive. You also need to understand the data required by these tools to get the correct results. Once you have the results you need to understand and interpret them so that you have the experience to know how to resolve the thermal issues. All of this could require a large time investment and financial outlay for your company.
Total Board Solutions is experienced in working with the majority of the main PCB design software tools including:-
- Altium Designer
- Altium Vault
- Nexus Server
- PDN Analyser
- PADs
- Mentor (A Siemens Business) Board Station®
- Xpedition Enterprise and Eagle
- Zuken’s CR500.
We are also able to import a variety of PCB design formats such as Cadence Allegro, Orcad, CADSTAR and P-Cad.
Whichever software package you prefer TBS can fit smoothly into your design process.
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